Half of these emissions come from the process for obtaining clinker (main product of cement). 40% come from burning fuels and the remaining 10% are the result of electricity use and transportation of final product. Therefore, it is necessary to register that the use of clean, modern, and optimized plants, as well as the search for energy efficiency are key factors in reducing the impacts of climate change.
When the Agenda for Action was drafted in 2002, the CSI signatory companies agreed to create a CSI CO2 Protocol. This document contains guidelines to calculate and publicize the emissions of each company, as well as to develop a mitigation strategy with individual actions for the emissions that cause climate change process.
Commitments individually assumed by CSI companies
… And the results obtained by Votorantim Cimentos
The tool for calculating CO2 emissions has been implemented in all plants of Votorantim Cimentos (cement and grinding plants in Brazil, USA and Canada) for which data is validated annually by external audits; With the strategic management of carbon emissions, VC implemented several projects. These projects involved increasing content of additives in cement, increasing use of biomass in the plants, and replacing fuel oil by natural gas.
The company aimed to reduce their CO2 emissions by 10% by the year 2012, compared to 1990. However, this target has been exceeded, registering a reduction of 26.9% in 2011. Even so, the group continues to seek alternatives to further reduce CO2 emissions from the cement production process.
The production of clinker is the stage that emits the most CO2 into the atmosphere. Therefore, one way to mitigate this emission is by replacing clinker with another component that emits less CO2, while maintaining the quality and characteristics of the final product. In 2011, the percentage of clinker in the final product decreased by 9.3% compared to 1990, indicating a significant increase in the use of alternative materials.
Aiming to mitigate CO2 emissions, given the significant increase in demand in the internal market, Votorantim Cimentos has announced new investments in pioneering projects in the sector. Among these projects is an increase in the production of artificial pozzolana in plants located in North, Northeast, and Midwest U.S.A.
The CO2 emission reduction strategy includes:
- investing in research and development to cut down on the use of clinker while maintaining or improving product performance;
- investing in technologies that improve thermal efficiency;
- optimizing the energy matrix by using more biomass and industrial waste, causing fewer emissions (kg CO2/kcal).
Measuring progress
CSI applies the number and age of its facilities, using the WBCSD CO2 Protocol Guidelines for their emissions inventory, as an indicator to measure and assess progress in CO2 reduction.
These guidelines were applied in all of VC’s plants
In 2010, the Manifesto for Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings, created by the WBCSD, was signed by the president of Votorantim Cimentos. The objective of this initiative is to encourage and propagate sustainable consumption among employees in corporate centers as well.
This document presents guidelines for developing a CO2 inventory for commercial buildings and outlines future targets for reducing energy consumption. Votorantim Cimentos has developed the inventory for its corporate centers in Brazil, validated by external audit along with other CSI Indicators.